"laestadian, apostolic, gay, lgbtq, ex-oalc, ex-llc, llc, oalc, bunner" LEARNING TO LIVE FREE: The Gospel in 10 Words or Less

Thursday, August 06, 2009

The Gospel in 10 Words or Less

Someone I follow on Twitter put out a challenge to sum up the gospel in 10 words or less.

It got me thinking. Here's my try. What's yours? What is the good news in a sentence?

In Christ God reconciles me with God, neighbor, and myself.


  1. Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe.

  2. We have services in Kålby this weekend, and look what I found on the bookshelf. I think this book which is in English language, is quite heretic. Fortunaly it was among history books, not current teachings.


    (You can also click on my Nick)

    The book wasn’t very thick. :-)

  3. If you click on my Nick, it will take you to a movie about the services in Kållby.

  4. That thin book was published by the OALC and there is a second version of it published in 1999 with updated information.

  5. I have a copy of that book, probably given to me by my mother, though I can't remember who felt it was important that I read it. I found many parts of it to be quite "flowery".

    Why do you feel it's heretical?


  6. I've got both editions. The title of the book is quite a statement...

  7. LLLreader chimes in: I have it too--we could form a book club!

  8. I agree with Hibernatus, the title of the book is indedd quite a statement.

    I actually had today, to go back to the bookshelf and buy the book.

    I will read it in the week.

  9. I agree with Hibernatus, the title of the book is indedd quite a statement.

    I actually had today, to go back to the bookshelf and buy the book.

    I will read it in the week.

  10. Jesus Messiah, Name above all names, Blessed redeemer,Lord of All..

  11. Father, Son, Holy Spirit; heaven and earth reconciled in Christ.

  12. Believe your sins forgiven in Jesus' name and shed blood.

  13. Believe all your sins forgiven in Jesus name and precious shed blood.

  14. "The Word became flesh" (John 1:14) "Blessed are you, O Lord, teach me your statutes" (Ps. 119:12) This is a bit more than 10 words in English, but it is exactly 10 words in the original Greek and Hebrew. :) "Kai o Logos sarx egeneto" (John 1:14) "Barukh attah, Adonai, lamdeni khukekha" (Ps. 119:12)

  15. LaestadianInfo, I would have said that, but the title said "...10 words or less". Besides, you forgot a couple of words: "Believe all your sins forgiven in Jesus' holy name and precious atoning shed blood." Remember, the person you are proclaiming it to won't be saved if you don't say it in that exact manner.

    (Actually, proper grammar would be "The Gospel, in 10 Words or Fewer." The word less is qualitative; fewer is quantitative. A quantitative context is implied by the title. A qualitative statement, using less, would be "The Gospel, Less Wordy.")

  16. I have heard preachers use:

    "Believe all your sins forgiven in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost."

  17. God has already done everything; live like that is true!

  18. Growing up I always heard "believe all your sins forgiven in Jesus' name and precious blood"...never heard atoning or the other ones. hehe

    Tomte-thats a good one, thats what I believe too.

  19. "Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works." Eccl 9:7

  20. Before you get offended by my previous posts, please realize that my tongue was planted firmly in my cheek.
